We are currently receiving a number of calls from shelters looking to help us place dobermans.
These are non issue dogs, male and female, young.
If you are a doberman owner, past or present and considering the addition of another
doberman into your family, please contact for more details.
Help these lovely dogs find their forever home, before its too late!!
Call us at 905 2638247
The Animal
Guardian Society
Make sure if you go to adopt a puppy that you bring a crate. Dogs can act unpredictably I was transporting a 6 month old lab- border collie mix puppy that I had adopted and the dog got off of it's leash in the back seat-Got into the passenger side and then attacked me numerous times while I was driving. What a mess. I was able to control the car. The bites were on the arms-luckily not on my face. This was a nice dog that had been living with children. Apparently when we passed by some cows it got scared aggressive. Lesson- Dogs can act in an unpredictable manner and when transporting a dog -even if you know the animal, keep it in a crate