Chester has arrived at TAGS in June and he was adopted by the end of July! This handsome but timid dog found his home fast at the loving home of Krys Caughell and her family.
Why Chester?
My Husband and I decided to adopt Chester because we fell in love with him when we met him. He’s such a special little dog! He seemed a bit shy at first and we knew he’d need some extra attention. But we’ve got a huge heart for animals and knew we could give Chester a very happy home. Oh, and he’s cute as all heck!
What did you think about the adoption process?
The adoption process was amazing. We felt very informed and comfortable throughout. And the organization is well run and does amazing work! We were pleasantly surprised with all of the things included with adoption – Chester being fixed, micro-chipped, pet insurance, training, week trial with food and accessories – it was more than we ever expected. I have and will continue to recommend TAGS. Adoption is the only option! (Want to help me convince my Husband that we need a few more??)
How did you find Chester? On the website, etc.. ?
Yes we saw Chester’s profile online. Actually – to be honest we almost didn’t meet him because of his picture – he looked like a completely different dog! But I’d seen his profile and looked into the organization and figured we should at least go and see him.
When you met Chester did you know right away that he was who you were looking for?
Yes and no. I fell in love with him right away because he is so adorable. But I also love all animals and I would seriously take them all home if I could. We were a bit unsure if he would be the perfect fit because of his shy and nervous temperament, mostly because we have cats. I think it was the week trial that we really knew he was our dog. Once he started to settle in and warm up to us – we could finally see the dog he really is! And he’s awesome. Best little dog ever!
What were his first days like?
His first days on the week trial were a bit tough for him I think. He was very shy, quiet and almost depressed. I imagine he was having separation anxiety from his foster mom, who you could tell he loved very much. He didn’t want to eat or play and he kept running to hide in the corner. He was also very afraid of my Husband! But after a few days, once he started to settle in and started trusting us, he transformed dramatically into a happy playful crazy little puppy.
How is he getting along with your other dogs/family members?
I have 3 cats – Alvin, Elvis and Lou. Chester likes the cats. Alvin especially – he wants to play with him so bad! But Alvin is a scaredy cat and runs. Which makes Chester think they are playing. Cue stampede. Elvis and Chester sleep and cuddle together sometimes, but might scuffle over food. And Lou is indifferent (pretty much to everything!)
Tell us a funny story or habit about Chester!
Just one? Well, during the day he is crated. But my husband comes home at lunch everyday to let him out and spend time with him. So one day, like every other day, my Husband puts Chester in his crate and goes to work. He comes home at lunch and to his surprise there are 2 sets of eyes staring back at him from the crate. My cat Elvis must have snack in there earlier in the morning to sleep – and my husband not knowing and not seeing him just put Chester in like usual!

Training was awesome. We learned a lot and felt like Chester did too. He could use more training I think in other areas. Like for example when the doorbell rings (even on tv) you’d think the world was ending. I’ve never heard a wee dog bark so loud!
I could go on and on about how amazing Chester is and how much we love him. He is absolutely the perfect dog for us. He fits with our family and lifestyle so well. He is definitely the right dog for us!