Celebrity Chef Hosts Dog Wedding For Charity
Friday June 26, 2009
CityNews.ca Staff
I now pronounce you dog and wife!?
"... you may now sniff the bride," isn't exactly a phrase you hear every day. But Friday it followed the nuptials of Josephine and Napoleon, the Chihuahuas of celebrity chef Ken Kostick.
The pair met four years ago and it didn't take long for the two to fall in love. They got hitched Friday afternoon at a fundraiser event in support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, coinciding with the launch of Kostick's BARK Pet Care products.
The ceremony, officiated by Toronto comedian and veterinarian Ted Morris, included canine bridesmaids, a best dog and yes, a dog-themed wedding cake.
The two newlyweds are now the ambassadors of the new line of products, but not before they spend their honeymoon night at the Prime Minister's Suite at the Royal York Hotel.
All proceeds of the BARK Dog Cologne will be donated to charity.
"They love each other and they're very happy," Kostick told CityNews.ca when asked why he decided his 'common-law' pets should tie the knot.
Dog wedding? That's new...