Thursday, November 26, 2009
Toronto Humane officials to be arrested and charged with cruelty Thursday, November 26, 2009 3:39 PM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Speeding Ticket

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Malnourished sled dogs rescued in rural Quebec
Malnourished sled dogs rescued in rural Quebec
17/11/2009 2:17:51 PM News Staff
Nearly 100 malnourished and tied-up sled dogs were rescued from a wooded rural area in Quebec on Tuesday, CTV News has learned.
Officials with the Quebec SPCA received a tip about the dogs a week ago, and have been negotiating with the owner to gain access to the property ever since.
According to CTV's Rob Lurie, officials said the man finally agreed to leave behind both the dogs and his property, which is located about 90 minutes northwest of Montreal in the small town of Brebeuf.
"The SPCA made a deal that they wouldn't charge him, he wouldn't be fined, he would have no criminal record at all as long as he gave up the dogs," Lurie told CTV News Channel on Tuesday in a telephone interview from Brebeuf. "And the reason why they did this was because they really wanted to get these dogs back before their condition deteriorated any further."
Officials have not released the man's name, Lurie said.
Officials found 97 sled dogs, all of whom were emaciated and chained together. About 30 of the dogs were also pregnant, while others appeared to have skin diseases.
"Most of the dogs, we're told, have been chained that way for 10 years' time," Lurie said. "They were let out two months of the year to do the sled-dogging runs.
Officials also found a pit on the property that appeared to contain decomposing animal remains.
The dogs are now in the care of the SPCA.
17/11/2009 2:17:51 PM News Staff
Nearly 100 malnourished and tied-up sled dogs were rescued from a wooded rural area in Quebec on Tuesday, CTV News has learned.
Officials with the Quebec SPCA received a tip about the dogs a week ago, and have been negotiating with the owner to gain access to the property ever since.
According to CTV's Rob Lurie, officials said the man finally agreed to leave behind both the dogs and his property, which is located about 90 minutes northwest of Montreal in the small town of Brebeuf.
"The SPCA made a deal that they wouldn't charge him, he wouldn't be fined, he would have no criminal record at all as long as he gave up the dogs," Lurie told CTV News Channel on Tuesday in a telephone interview from Brebeuf. "And the reason why they did this was because they really wanted to get these dogs back before their condition deteriorated any further."
Officials have not released the man's name, Lurie said.
Officials found 97 sled dogs, all of whom were emaciated and chained together. About 30 of the dogs were also pregnant, while others appeared to have skin diseases.
"Most of the dogs, we're told, have been chained that way for 10 years' time," Lurie said. "They were let out two months of the year to do the sled-dogging runs.
Officials also found a pit on the property that appeared to contain decomposing animal remains.
The dogs are now in the care of the SPCA.
Saturday, November 14, 2009

She went missing on Nov. 10th 2009 in North Oshawa (Everglades/Ormond), Ontario CANADA .
We have info that someone may have picked her up and dropped her off outside the city, so she could be anywhere.
We miss her dearly and want her back.
We are very worried as she has been missing since the morning of November 10th. She is super friendly, but gets angry if you try to pick her up or touch her feet. She has a distinctive tabby-stripe spot which stands out on her white tummy. Her fur is super soft. She sometimes has her tongue out. If you have seen or heard anything about a cat matching her description, please call 905-725-5905.
Or you can email me at
Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you
The Laffan Family
Hit Counter
Monday, November 9, 2009
New Pet Food Recall
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Puppy #7 lost is his battle yesterday
Your Short Mortal Visit
> That day full of miracles watching as each pup arrived
> an experience so precious to see them alive
> the first breathe that you took a gift to us all
> a glorious moment to one oh so small
> That night up above a star crossed the sky
> with it's trail so bright it made us cry
> we knew it was a message from the 8th pup that passed
> just a reminder to us that his spirit would last
> The second shooting star was sent as a sign
> that your departed brother the 8th could not leave you behind
> your few days of struggle to stay on this earth
> have come to a close shortly after your birth
> Now your together again with your brother
> leaving your 7 siblings to be nursed by your mother
> your purpose is now to protect from up high
> and watch over the others and comfort our cries
> It's hard to accept this fate which was dealt
> to such a fragile life to which we have felt
> such love and compassion since you were born
> that our hearts now hurt as if they were torn
> Time will help us come to accept
> that you were needed to help others who slept
> an eternal sleep at peace in heaven
> and this special mission bestowed on you number 7.
> This poem a tribute to the pup who has fought
> to remain in our midst but instead he has taught
> a lesson of life beyond what we know
> a place called Heaven for which we will go.
> May your wings carry you swiftly!
> Alan Bridges
> October 26th, 2009
> That day full of miracles watching as each pup arrived
> an experience so precious to see them alive
> the first breathe that you took a gift to us all
> a glorious moment to one oh so small
> That night up above a star crossed the sky
> with it's trail so bright it made us cry
> we knew it was a message from the 8th pup that passed
> just a reminder to us that his spirit would last
> The second shooting star was sent as a sign
> that your departed brother the 8th could not leave you behind
> your few days of struggle to stay on this earth
> have come to a close shortly after your birth
> Now your together again with your brother
> leaving your 7 siblings to be nursed by your mother
> your purpose is now to protect from up high
> and watch over the others and comfort our cries
> It's hard to accept this fate which was dealt
> to such a fragile life to which we have felt
> such love and compassion since you were born
> that our hearts now hurt as if they were torn
> Time will help us come to accept
> that you were needed to help others who slept
> an eternal sleep at peace in heaven
> and this special mission bestowed on you number 7.
> This poem a tribute to the pup who has fought
> to remain in our midst but instead he has taught
> a lesson of life beyond what we know
> a place called Heaven for which we will go.
> May your wings carry you swiftly!
> Alan Bridges
> October 26th, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Phoebe a Rescue from a local shelter gave birth

to 9 pups, one did not make it. Our volunteer Alan wrote this poem in memory of puppy number 8 who went to the Rainbow Bridge.
The Joy of Life
A simple breathe a beating heart
a fragile life has found a start
in a world of desperate need
to hold the product of Gods seed
This delicate tiny puppy will grow
to capture the hearts of those who know
the value that these friends can bring
unconditional love that means everything
As I hold this creature oh so small
I will think to myself how lucky are all
who will come to know this puppy in
the gift will be won when smiles do shine
Perhaps a special purpose will be
the mission of this pup we'll see
to warm the hearts of the elder and sick
or bring joy of a pet who loves to fetch sticks
Whatever the case I know we must
care for this precious life and trust
that God will take care of the rest you see
our lives enriched by this creature indeed!!
Alan Bridges
October 2009
Dedicated to number 8 who only made his brief appearance to remind us
how precious and fragile life really is. That was his purpose.
Mission Accomplished!
Gods speed #8
Holistic Canine healthcare
Holistic Canine Healthcare
Creating and maintaining good health in your dogs.
Now available to watch at any time to suit you.
Click here for details:
Online Lectures
For anyone interested in learning about natural feeding, immune system boosting, preventative/ supplements, dealing with illness, complementary therapies, and more...
Creating and maintaining good health in your dogs.
Now available to watch at any time to suit you.
Click here for details:
Online Lectures
For anyone interested in learning about natural feeding, immune system boosting, preventative/ supplements, dealing with illness, complementary therapies, and more...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cat Rescuers and Lovers
Subject: Cat Rescue documentary - help spread the word
Received: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 1:39 PM
Dear Cat Rescuers,
We are the filmmakers who made the documentary Cat City that was recently broadcast on Global Television across Canada.
We are contacting you as we continue to get the word out to as many people as possible about the documentary and the important issues presented in it.
Many animal welfare groups and others have come on board by posting a link to our website ( and to the You Tube trailer of the film on their sites, Facebook groups and blogs.
By doing this they are helping us educate as many people as possible.
We invite you to join us in this important campaign.
Thank you,
The Cat City documentary team
Facebook Group:
YouTube Trailer:
Received: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 1:39 PM
Dear Cat Rescuers,
We are the filmmakers who made the documentary Cat City that was recently broadcast on Global Television across Canada.
We are contacting you as we continue to get the word out to as many people as possible about the documentary and the important issues presented in it.
Many animal welfare groups and others have come on board by posting a link to our website ( and to the You Tube trailer of the film on their sites, Facebook groups and blogs.
By doing this they are helping us educate as many people as possible.
We invite you to join us in this important campaign.
Thank you,
The Cat City documentary team
Facebook Group:
YouTube Trailer:
Friday, October 9, 2009
Photo of Logan
Name: Logan
Dog (Canine)
Size / Weight:
Medium / 20.0 lbs
Date of Birth:
Jun 6, 2004
Coat Type:
Short Smooth
Coat Pattern:
Coat Colors:
Black / White & Tan
Tail Type:
50% Mini Husky
50% Pomeranian
Logan is 5yrs old Born June/2004
0005456 (Tag)
Date Lost:
Oct 6, 2009
Last Seen:
(Steeles & Hwy 400) Vaughan - Heading north on hwy 400, Ontario , Canada
Was at mothers home. Stranger came to door. Visiting relative opened it and he got out, ran to Steeles then up the exit ramp of hwy 400. Last seen by York Region Police headed north on Hwy 400.
If Found Please Contact:
Lene Francis
Phone: 416-648-8226
Photo of Logan
Name: Logan
Dog (Canine)
Size / Weight:
Medium / 20.0 lbs
Date of Birth:
Jun 6, 2004
Coat Type:
Short Smooth
Coat Pattern:
Coat Colors:
Black / White & Tan
Tail Type:
50% Mini Husky
50% Pomeranian
Logan is 5yrs old Born June/2004
0005456 (Tag)
Date Lost:
Oct 6, 2009
Last Seen:
(Steeles & Hwy 400) Vaughan - Heading north on hwy 400, Ontario , Canada
Was at mothers home. Stranger came to door. Visiting relative opened it and he got out, ran to Steeles then up the exit ramp of hwy 400. Last seen by York Region Police headed north on Hwy 400.
If Found Please Contact:
Lene Francis
Phone: 416-648-8226
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Canine thyroid disease By Catherine O'Driscoll
For more information read this interesting
article, here is the link as it was too long to post here.
article, here is the link as it was too long to post here.
Why did Oliver Die?????
Why did Oliver die?
By Catherine O'Driscoll
When Oliver was four years old, we awoke one morning to find that his back legs were paralysed. Although we rushed him to the vet and left him there on a steroid drip, our little boy died that afternoon.
For two years, I asked every vet I met: “why?”. Eventually, I learnt that Oliver had had a fatal reaction to a booster vaccine.
One of the known and acknowledged side-effects of vaccines is ‘encephalitis’, which is the Latin name meaning ‘inflammation of the brain’, which can also involve lesions throughout the brain and central nervous system. One of the symptoms of encephalitis is ‘paresis’, which means paralysis of one or more limbs. Some dogs and humans will recover from vaccine-induced encephalitis, others will die.
In the human field, encephalitis is sometimes called polio. Sometimes it is called Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Sometimes it is called meningitis. All of these conditions are well-documented post vaccination. If you would like to read more about the effects of vaccines, particularly in relation to potentially mandatory swine flu vaccines coming up following a predicted human pandemic, please email me at for a free copy of the July 2009 CHC newsletter.
You might also be interested to know that Prudence, who died when she was six, suffered from leukaemia, which has also been linked to vaccines. Many scientific studies point towards the practice of cultivating vaccine components on eggs. It is thought that an avian leukaemia virus finds its way into the vaccine, causing cross-species infection.
Samson also suffered at the hands of vaccines. Sam had a reaction to his second puppy shot: his back legs became paralysed. Luckily, Sammie recovered but the next year, when he was boosted, his head swelled like a football and he went running around screaming. By the age of two he was diagnosed with autoimmune disease, and he died of cancer at the age of five. There is much evidence, now, linking the practice of vaccination to the rise of cancer in human and animal species. If you’d like to read more about this, click here.
The good news is that, by the time Oliver, Prudence and Samson had died, I had learnt not to vaccinate my dogs, and to feed them real food.
Chappie and Sophie, although suffering from thyroid disease (which can be vaccine induced) and arthritis (which can also be vaccine induced), thrived on the new regime and lived until they were 17 years of age – which is fairly uncommon for Golden Retrievers. Gwinnie, who was only vaccinated as a puppy, lived until she was 15.
Edward and Daniel, now 12, have never received a single vaccine. Their vet bills have averaged around £10 ($20) per year. They continue to teach me.
By Catherine O'Driscoll
When Oliver was four years old, we awoke one morning to find that his back legs were paralysed. Although we rushed him to the vet and left him there on a steroid drip, our little boy died that afternoon.
For two years, I asked every vet I met: “why?”. Eventually, I learnt that Oliver had had a fatal reaction to a booster vaccine.
One of the known and acknowledged side-effects of vaccines is ‘encephalitis’, which is the Latin name meaning ‘inflammation of the brain’, which can also involve lesions throughout the brain and central nervous system. One of the symptoms of encephalitis is ‘paresis’, which means paralysis of one or more limbs. Some dogs and humans will recover from vaccine-induced encephalitis, others will die.
In the human field, encephalitis is sometimes called polio. Sometimes it is called Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Sometimes it is called meningitis. All of these conditions are well-documented post vaccination. If you would like to read more about the effects of vaccines, particularly in relation to potentially mandatory swine flu vaccines coming up following a predicted human pandemic, please email me at for a free copy of the July 2009 CHC newsletter.
You might also be interested to know that Prudence, who died when she was six, suffered from leukaemia, which has also been linked to vaccines. Many scientific studies point towards the practice of cultivating vaccine components on eggs. It is thought that an avian leukaemia virus finds its way into the vaccine, causing cross-species infection.
Samson also suffered at the hands of vaccines. Sam had a reaction to his second puppy shot: his back legs became paralysed. Luckily, Sammie recovered but the next year, when he was boosted, his head swelled like a football and he went running around screaming. By the age of two he was diagnosed with autoimmune disease, and he died of cancer at the age of five. There is much evidence, now, linking the practice of vaccination to the rise of cancer in human and animal species. If you’d like to read more about this, click here.
The good news is that, by the time Oliver, Prudence and Samson had died, I had learnt not to vaccinate my dogs, and to feed them real food.
Chappie and Sophie, although suffering from thyroid disease (which can be vaccine induced) and arthritis (which can also be vaccine induced), thrived on the new regime and lived until they were 17 years of age – which is fairly uncommon for Golden Retrievers. Gwinnie, who was only vaccinated as a puppy, lived until she was 15.
Edward and Daniel, now 12, have never received a single vaccine. Their vet bills have averaged around £10 ($20) per year. They continue to teach me.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Special Day
Dear Friends, Animal Lovers, Animal Rescuers: Today is October 4th, the traditional feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. How lovely to have a day devoted to the Patron Saint of Animals. Whether believer or not, it's a lovely reminder of those who have come before us, a testament to those who dedicate themselves and their lives to the voiceless, and perhaps a little inspiration to continue their goods works in their name. That said, let's take a moment to consider compassion towards each other as rescuers, and towards the little ones, the voiceless, who only have us.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Congratulations !!
To our volunteers Michelle and Jay on the safe arrival of their first baby, a
beautiful little girl Ava.
Another future TAGS volunteer???
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Great Story - Long
They told me the big black Lab's name was Reggie as I looked at him lying
in his pen, the shelter was clean, no-kill, and the people really friendly.
I'd only been in the area for six months, but everywhere I went in the
small college town, people were welcoming and open. Everyone waves when
you pass them on the street.
But something was still missing as I attempted to settle in to my new
life here, and I thought a dog couldn't hurt. Give me someone to talk to.
And I had just seen Reggie's advertisement on the local news. The shelter
said they had received numerous calls right after, but they said the
people who had come down to see him just didn't look like "Lab people,"
whatever that meant. They must've thought I did
But at first, I thought the shelter had misjudged me in giving me Reggie
and his things, which consisted of a dog pad, bag of toys almost all of
which were brand new tennis balls, his dishes, and a sealed letter from
his previous owner. See, Reggie and I didn't really hit it off when we
got home. We struggled for two weeks (which is how long the shelter told
me to give him to adjust to his new home). Maybe it was the fact that I
was trying to adjust, too. Maybe we were too much alike.
For some reason, his stuff (except for the tennis balls - he wouldn't go
anywhere without two stuffed in his mouth) got tossed in with all of my
other unpacked boxes. I guess I didn't really think he'd need all his
old stuff, that I'd get him new things once he settled in, but it became
pretty clear pretty soon that he wasn't going to.
I tried the normal commands the shelter told me he knew, ones like "sit"
and "stay" and "come" and "heel," and he'd follow them - when he felt
like it. He never really seemed to listen when I called his name - sure,
he'd look in my direction after the fourth of fifth time I said it, but
then he'd just go back to doing whatever. When I'd ask again, you could
almost see him sigh and then grudgingly obey.
This just wasn't going to work. He chewed a couple shoes and some
unpacked boxes. I was a little too stern with him and he resented it, I
could tell.
The friction got so bad that I couldn't wait for the two weeks to be up,
and when it was, I was in full-on search mode for my cell phone amid all
of my unpacked stuff. I remembered leaving it on the stack of boxes for
the guest room, but I also mumbled, rather cynically, that the "dog
probably hid it on me."
Finally I found it, but before I could punch up the shelter's number, I
also found his pad and other toys from the shelter. I tossed the pad in
Reggie's direction and he snuffed it and wagged, some of the most
enthusiasm I'd seen since bringing him home. But
then I called, "Hey, Reggie, you like that? Come
here and I'll give you a treat." Instead, he sort of glanced in my
direction - maybe "glared"
is more accurate - and then gave a discontented sigh and flopped down.
With his back to me.
Well, that's not going to do it either, I thought. And I punched the
shelter phone number.
But I hung up when I saw the sealed envelope. I
had completely forgotten about that, too. "Okay,
Reggie," I said out loud, "let's see if your previous owner has any
To Whoever Gets My Dog:
Well, I can't say that I'm happy you're reading this, a letter I told the
shelter could only be opened by Reggie's new owner. I'm not even happy
writing it. If you're reading this, it means I just got back from my last
car ride with my Lab after dropping him off at the shelter. He knew
something was different. I have packed up his pad and toys before and set
them by the back door before a trip, but this time... it's like he knew
something was wrong. And something is wrong... which is why I have to
try to make it right.
So let me tell you about my Lab in the hopes that it will help you bond
with him and he with you.
First, he loves tennis balls, the more the merrier. Sometimes I think
he's part squirrel, the way he hordes them.
He usually always has two in his mouth, and he tries to get a third in
there. Hasn't done it yet. Doesn't matter where you throw them, he'll
bound after it, so be careful - really don't do it by any roads. I made
that mistake once, and it almost cost him dearly.
Next, commands. Maybe the shelter staff already told you, but I'll go
over them again: Reggie knows the obvious ones - "sit," "stay," "come,"
"heel." He knows hand signals:
"back" to turn around and go back when you put your hand straight up; and
"over" if you put your hand out right or left. "Shake" for shaking water
off, and "paw" for a high-five. He does "down" when he feels like lying
down - I bet you could work on that with him some more. He knows "ball"
and "food" and "bone" and "treat" like nobody's business. I trained
Reggie with small food treats. Nothing opens his ears like little pieces
of hot dog.
Feeding schedule: twice a day, once about seven in the morning, and
again at six in the evening. Regular store-bought stuff; the shelter has
the brand.
He's up on his shots.
Call the clinic on 9th Street and update his info with yours; they'll make
sure to send you reminders for when he's due. Be forewarned: Reggie
hates the vet. Good luck getting him in the car - I don't know how he
knows when it's time to go to the vet, but he knows.
Finally, give him some time.
I've never been married, so it's only been Reggie and me for his whole
life. He's gone everywhere with me, so please include him on your daily
car rides if you can. He sits well in the backseat, and he doesn't bark
or complain. He just loves to be around people, and me most especially.
Which means that this transition is going to be hard, with him going to
live with someone new.
And that's why I need to share
one more bit of info with you....
His name's not Reggie.
I don't know what made me do it, but when I dropped him off at the
shelter, I told them his name was Reggie.
He's a smart dog, he'll get used to it and will respond to it, of that I
have no doubt, but I just couldn't bear to give them his real name. For
me to do that, it seemed so final, that handing him over to the shelter
was as good as me admitting that I'd never see him again. And if I end
up coming back, getting him, and tearing up this letter, it means
everything's fine.
But if someone else is reading it,
well.. well it means that his new owner should know his real name. It'll
help you bond with him. Who knows, maybe you'll even notice a change in
his demeanor if he's been giving you problem
His real name is Tank
Because that is what I drive.
Again, if you're reading this and you're from the area, maybe my name has
been on the news. I told the shelter that they couldn't make "Reggie"
available for adoption until they received word from my company commander.
See, my
parents are gone, I have no siblings, no one I could've left Tank with...
and it was my only real request of the Army upon my deployment to Iraq ,
that they make one phone call to the shelter... in the "event"... to tell
them that Tank could be put up for adoption. Luckily, my colonel is a dog
guy, too, and he knew where my platoon was headed. He said he'd do it
personally. And if you're reading this, then he made good on his word
And now I hope and pray that you
make him part of your family and that he will adjust and come to love you
the same way he loved me.
All right, that's enough.
I deploy this evening and have to drop this letter off at the shelter. I
don't think I'll say another good-bye to Tank, though. I cried too much
the first time. Maybe I'll peek in on him and see if he finally got that
third tennis ball *in his mouth.
*Good luck with Tank. Give him a good home, and give him an extra
kiss goodnight - every night - from me.
Thank you, Paul Mallory
I folded the letter and slipped it back in the envelope. Sure I had
heard of Paul Mallory, everyone in town knew him, even new people like
me. Local kid, killed in Iraq a few months ago and posthumously earning
the Silver Star when he gave his life to save three buddies. Flags had
been at half-mast all summer.
I leaned forward in my chair and rested my elbows on my knees, staring at
the dog.
"Hey, Tank," I said quietly.
The dog's head whipped up, his ears cocked and his eyes bright.
"C'mere boy."
He was instantly on his feet, his nails clicking on
the hardwood floor. He sat in front of me, his head
tilted, searching for the name he hadn't heard in months.
"Tank," I whispered.
His tail swished.
I kept whispering his name, over and over, and each time, his ears
lowered, his eyes softened, and his posture relaxed as a wave of
contentment just seemed to flood him. I stroked his ears, rubbed his
shoulders, buried my face into his scruff and hugged him.
"It's me now, Tank, just you and me.
Your old pal gave you to me." Tank reached up and licked my cheek. "So
what do you say we play some ball? His ears perked again.
"Yeah? Ball? You like that?
Ball?" Tank tore from my hands and disappeared in the next room.
And when he came back, he had three tennis balls in his mouth.
Live Strong!
in his pen, the shelter was clean, no-kill, and the people really friendly.
I'd only been in the area for six months, but everywhere I went in the
small college town, people were welcoming and open. Everyone waves when
you pass them on the street.
But something was still missing as I attempted to settle in to my new
life here, and I thought a dog couldn't hurt. Give me someone to talk to.
And I had just seen Reggie's advertisement on the local news. The shelter
said they had received numerous calls right after, but they said the
people who had come down to see him just didn't look like "Lab people,"
whatever that meant. They must've thought I did
But at first, I thought the shelter had misjudged me in giving me Reggie
and his things, which consisted of a dog pad, bag of toys almost all of
which were brand new tennis balls, his dishes, and a sealed letter from
his previous owner. See, Reggie and I didn't really hit it off when we
got home. We struggled for two weeks (which is how long the shelter told
me to give him to adjust to his new home). Maybe it was the fact that I
was trying to adjust, too. Maybe we were too much alike.
For some reason, his stuff (except for the tennis balls - he wouldn't go
anywhere without two stuffed in his mouth) got tossed in with all of my
other unpacked boxes. I guess I didn't really think he'd need all his
old stuff, that I'd get him new things once he settled in, but it became
pretty clear pretty soon that he wasn't going to.
I tried the normal commands the shelter told me he knew, ones like "sit"
and "stay" and "come" and "heel," and he'd follow them - when he felt
like it. He never really seemed to listen when I called his name - sure,
he'd look in my direction after the fourth of fifth time I said it, but
then he'd just go back to doing whatever. When I'd ask again, you could
almost see him sigh and then grudgingly obey.
This just wasn't going to work. He chewed a couple shoes and some
unpacked boxes. I was a little too stern with him and he resented it, I
could tell.
The friction got so bad that I couldn't wait for the two weeks to be up,
and when it was, I was in full-on search mode for my cell phone amid all
of my unpacked stuff. I remembered leaving it on the stack of boxes for
the guest room, but I also mumbled, rather cynically, that the "dog
probably hid it on me."
Finally I found it, but before I could punch up the shelter's number, I
also found his pad and other toys from the shelter. I tossed the pad in
Reggie's direction and he snuffed it and wagged, some of the most
enthusiasm I'd seen since bringing him home. But
then I called, "Hey, Reggie, you like that? Come
here and I'll give you a treat." Instead, he sort of glanced in my
direction - maybe "glared"
is more accurate - and then gave a discontented sigh and flopped down.
With his back to me.
Well, that's not going to do it either, I thought. And I punched the
shelter phone number.
But I hung up when I saw the sealed envelope. I
had completely forgotten about that, too. "Okay,
Reggie," I said out loud, "let's see if your previous owner has any
To Whoever Gets My Dog:
Well, I can't say that I'm happy you're reading this, a letter I told the
shelter could only be opened by Reggie's new owner. I'm not even happy
writing it. If you're reading this, it means I just got back from my last
car ride with my Lab after dropping him off at the shelter. He knew
something was different. I have packed up his pad and toys before and set
them by the back door before a trip, but this time... it's like he knew
something was wrong. And something is wrong... which is why I have to
try to make it right.
So let me tell you about my Lab in the hopes that it will help you bond
with him and he with you.
First, he loves tennis balls, the more the merrier. Sometimes I think
he's part squirrel, the way he hordes them.
He usually always has two in his mouth, and he tries to get a third in
there. Hasn't done it yet. Doesn't matter where you throw them, he'll
bound after it, so be careful - really don't do it by any roads. I made
that mistake once, and it almost cost him dearly.
Next, commands. Maybe the shelter staff already told you, but I'll go
over them again: Reggie knows the obvious ones - "sit," "stay," "come,"
"heel." He knows hand signals:
"back" to turn around and go back when you put your hand straight up; and
"over" if you put your hand out right or left. "Shake" for shaking water
off, and "paw" for a high-five. He does "down" when he feels like lying
down - I bet you could work on that with him some more. He knows "ball"
and "food" and "bone" and "treat" like nobody's business. I trained
Reggie with small food treats. Nothing opens his ears like little pieces
of hot dog.
Feeding schedule: twice a day, once about seven in the morning, and
again at six in the evening. Regular store-bought stuff; the shelter has
the brand.
He's up on his shots.
Call the clinic on 9th Street and update his info with yours; they'll make
sure to send you reminders for when he's due. Be forewarned: Reggie
hates the vet. Good luck getting him in the car - I don't know how he
knows when it's time to go to the vet, but he knows.
Finally, give him some time.
I've never been married, so it's only been Reggie and me for his whole
life. He's gone everywhere with me, so please include him on your daily
car rides if you can. He sits well in the backseat, and he doesn't bark
or complain. He just loves to be around people, and me most especially.
Which means that this transition is going to be hard, with him going to
live with someone new.
And that's why I need to share
one more bit of info with you....
His name's not Reggie.
I don't know what made me do it, but when I dropped him off at the
shelter, I told them his name was Reggie.
He's a smart dog, he'll get used to it and will respond to it, of that I
have no doubt, but I just couldn't bear to give them his real name. For
me to do that, it seemed so final, that handing him over to the shelter
was as good as me admitting that I'd never see him again. And if I end
up coming back, getting him, and tearing up this letter, it means
everything's fine.
But if someone else is reading it,
well.. well it means that his new owner should know his real name. It'll
help you bond with him. Who knows, maybe you'll even notice a change in
his demeanor if he's been giving you problem
His real name is Tank
Because that is what I drive.
Again, if you're reading this and you're from the area, maybe my name has
been on the news. I told the shelter that they couldn't make "Reggie"
available for adoption until they received word from my company commander.
See, my
parents are gone, I have no siblings, no one I could've left Tank with...
and it was my only real request of the Army upon my deployment to Iraq ,
that they make one phone call to the shelter... in the "event"... to tell
them that Tank could be put up for adoption. Luckily, my colonel is a dog
guy, too, and he knew where my platoon was headed. He said he'd do it
personally. And if you're reading this, then he made good on his word
And now I hope and pray that you
make him part of your family and that he will adjust and come to love you
the same way he loved me.
All right, that's enough.
I deploy this evening and have to drop this letter off at the shelter. I
don't think I'll say another good-bye to Tank, though. I cried too much
the first time. Maybe I'll peek in on him and see if he finally got that
third tennis ball *in his mouth.
*Good luck with Tank. Give him a good home, and give him an extra
kiss goodnight - every night - from me.
Thank you, Paul Mallory
I folded the letter and slipped it back in the envelope. Sure I had
heard of Paul Mallory, everyone in town knew him, even new people like
me. Local kid, killed in Iraq a few months ago and posthumously earning
the Silver Star when he gave his life to save three buddies. Flags had
been at half-mast all summer.
I leaned forward in my chair and rested my elbows on my knees, staring at
the dog.
"Hey, Tank," I said quietly.
The dog's head whipped up, his ears cocked and his eyes bright.
"C'mere boy."
He was instantly on his feet, his nails clicking on
the hardwood floor. He sat in front of me, his head
tilted, searching for the name he hadn't heard in months.
"Tank," I whispered.
His tail swished.
I kept whispering his name, over and over, and each time, his ears
lowered, his eyes softened, and his posture relaxed as a wave of
contentment just seemed to flood him. I stroked his ears, rubbed his
shoulders, buried my face into his scruff and hugged him.
"It's me now, Tank, just you and me.
Your old pal gave you to me." Tank reached up and licked my cheek. "So
what do you say we play some ball? His ears perked again.
"Yeah? Ball? You like that?
Ball?" Tank tore from my hands and disappeared in the next room.
And when he came back, he had three tennis balls in his mouth.
Live Strong!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Do you have a website??
If you have a website and would be interested in showcasing our pets for adoption,
please contact us at 905-263-TAGS (8247) or call e-mail at
The more exposure for our animals the faster we will find good homes.
please contact us at 905-263-TAGS (8247) or call e-mail at
The more exposure for our animals the faster we will find good homes.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
New Emergency Clinic Opening Soon!!

Morningside Animal Hospital and Dr. Porter have been wonderful to our foster dogs.
We often have dogs that enter our program with injuries such as road accidents.
We can not begin to express our appreciation for the help we have received.
Can't wait for the new clinic to open, and so glad we have the option of another
Emergency clinic.
New Classes - Register now
Both Beginner and Second Level available. Call for more info 905 2638247
References available, questions on course content, specific Behaviour Problems,
we are just a phone call away.
Don't struggle when help is right here.
Free Consultation.
References available, questions on course content, specific Behaviour Problems,
we are just a phone call away.
Don't struggle when help is right here.
Free Consultation.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Muffy returned after 9 years
Dog lost for nine years, reappears thanks to the microchip!!!
A dog that vanished from an Australian family's house nine years ago has been found alive and well, 1200 miles from home.
A dog that vanished from an Australian family's house nine years ago has been found alive and well, 1200 miles from home.
Dog in fight for life before Yukon Supreme Court
Humane society backs Trevor the dog in fight for life before Yukon Supreme Court
Thu Jul 30, 1:33 PM
By The Canadian Press
WHITEHORSE, Yukon - The Yukon Supreme Court is to hear its first capital case in living memory when a judge decides the fate of a dog.
The two-year old German-shepherd-Rottweiler cross named Trevor was rescued from a home last January where he had been neglected to the point where his collar had grown into his body.
The Whitehorse Humane Society adopted him out, but Trevor was accused of biting people and turned into the pound this month.
The humane society says that, legally, Trevor should have been returned to them and that he remains their property.
They want to use provisions that allow people to keep dangerous dogs under secure conditions, but city bylaws call for Trevor's destruction.
If every dog has his day, Trevor's will be Aug. 6, when his case is expected to be heard.
Thu Jul 30, 1:33 PM
By The Canadian Press
WHITEHORSE, Yukon - The Yukon Supreme Court is to hear its first capital case in living memory when a judge decides the fate of a dog.
The two-year old German-shepherd-Rottweiler cross named Trevor was rescued from a home last January where he had been neglected to the point where his collar had grown into his body.
The Whitehorse Humane Society adopted him out, but Trevor was accused of biting people and turned into the pound this month.
The humane society says that, legally, Trevor should have been returned to them and that he remains their property.
They want to use provisions that allow people to keep dangerous dogs under secure conditions, but city bylaws call for Trevor's destruction.
If every dog has his day, Trevor's will be Aug. 6, when his case is expected to be heard.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Canine Health Concerns- Topic Vaccinations
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Adoptions Going Crazy
What a week so far 5 adoptions and more to come.
Even our long term dogs have been getting interest.
So far Storm, all 3 pups, Molly are being adopted.
Hanna out on a visit.
Skyler, Layla, and Abby have interest.
Its awesome!!
Even our long term dogs have been getting interest.
So far Storm, all 3 pups, Molly are being adopted.
Hanna out on a visit.
Skyler, Layla, and Abby have interest.
Its awesome!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Celebrity Chef Hosts Dog Wedding For Charity

Celebrity Chef Hosts Dog Wedding For Charity
Friday June 26, 2009 Staff
I now pronounce you dog and wife!?
"... you may now sniff the bride," isn't exactly a phrase you hear every day. But Friday it followed the nuptials of Josephine and Napoleon, the Chihuahuas of celebrity chef Ken Kostick.
The pair met four years ago and it didn't take long for the two to fall in love. They got hitched Friday afternoon at a fundraiser event in support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, coinciding with the launch of Kostick's BARK Pet Care products.
The ceremony, officiated by Toronto comedian and veterinarian Ted Morris, included canine bridesmaids, a best dog and yes, a dog-themed wedding cake.
The two newlyweds are now the ambassadors of the new line of products, but not before they spend their honeymoon night at the Prime Minister's Suite at the Royal York Hotel.
All proceeds of the BARK Dog Cologne will be donated to charity.
"They love each other and they're very happy," Kostick told when asked why he decided his 'common-law' pets should tie the knot.
Horses in Romania have an extremely miserable life. The situation is revolting and shameful. Unfortunately not only the horses. Many people live in the greatest poverty and the fate of horses is irrevocably linked to that of men. These horses have very long days of extremely hard work at the end of which they get no or very little food. They are often beaten if not mutilated. The horses become useless during the dead season and the owners are not in the possibility to feed them, so they abandon them. Sometimes tied up without food or water, left to die of starvation. For those people horses are no animals that can suffer pain and fear. They are just instruments that can make their owners earn a living. Illegal slaughter is also a widespread habit. In the region of Bucharest alone every year about 200 horses are abandoned.
Everywhere in the country one can see exhausted, overworked, underfed, wounded, starving and dead horses. Therefore the vzw Equine Rescue Center (Belgium) took the initiative to take action in order to help Romanian horses. You can read more on our website . We launch an international campaign addressed to the Romanian Government to protest against the actual horse abuse and to the EU. We ask you to sign our online petition to help us reach our goals. But you can do more! In the meantime horses and donkeys do need help. They need food, medical care and a shelter. Please, help these equines also financially. We guarantee that your gift will be spent directly and entirely to relief the need of these unfortunate horses. They had such horrible lives. Don’t let them die now. Give them at least a few happy years. Equine Rescue Center vzw. Belgiëlei 188, B-2018 Antwerpen. Belgium. For Belgium: 979-5503680-02 For all other countries: BIC: ARSPBE22 Mention “Romania” IBAN: BE 32 979-5503680-02
THANK YOU To sign the petition please click here
Horses in Romania have an extremely miserable life. The situation is revolting and shameful. Unfortunately not only the horses. Many people live in the greatest poverty and the fate of horses is irrevocably linked to that of men. These horses have very long days of extremely hard work at the end of which they get no or very little food. They are often beaten if not mutilated. The horses become useless during the dead season and the owners are not in the possibility to feed them, so they abandon them. Sometimes tied up without food or water, left to die of starvation. For those people horses are no animals that can suffer pain and fear. They are just instruments that can make their owners earn a living. Illegal slaughter is also a widespread habit. In the region of Bucharest alone every year about 200 horses are abandoned.
Everywhere in the country one can see exhausted, overworked, underfed, wounded, starving and dead horses. Therefore the vzw Equine Rescue Center (Belgium) took the initiative to take action in order to help Romanian horses. You can read more on our website . We launch an international campaign addressed to the Romanian Government to protest against the actual horse abuse and to the EU. We ask you to sign our online petition to help us reach our goals. But you can do more! In the meantime horses and donkeys do need help. They need food, medical care and a shelter. Please, help these equines also financially. We guarantee that your gift will be spent directly and entirely to relief the need of these unfortunate horses. They had such horrible lives. Don’t let them die now. Give them at least a few happy years. Equine Rescue Center vzw. Belgiëlei 188, B-2018 Antwerpen. Belgium. For Belgium: 979-5503680-02 For all other countries: BIC: ARSPBE22 Mention “Romania” IBAN: BE 32 979-5503680-02
THANK YOU To sign the petition please click here
Come into the Taunton Rd store to schedule your pet photo session with our in house photographer* and qualify to win…….
Grand Prize WINNER will receive an original framed drawing of their pet valued at $625.00. The winning photo will be drawn by our own local artist. Art by Anneke
Runner-up WINNER will receive a $50.00 Gift Card.
All of our TOP 15 WINNERS will have their pet’s photo (poster size) displayed in our store for one year. At the years end, the poster is the property of the customer.
They will also receive FREE Fromm Family Pet Food products.
Contest Dates: Contest runs from June 15th to August 15th 2009.
The winners will be chosen by our team of “unbiased judges.”
The photo session is FREE with a minimum $50.00 purchase.
Photos must be taken by our photographer. See store for details.
We would like to thank Fromm Family Pet Food for their generous support of this photo contest.
Global Pet Foods,
789 Taunton Road East,
Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7K5
Come into the Taunton Rd store to schedule your pet photo session with our in house photographer* and qualify to win…….
Grand Prize WINNER will receive an original framed drawing of their pet valued at $625.00. The winning photo will be drawn by our own local artist. Art by Anneke
Runner-up WINNER will receive a $50.00 Gift Card.
All of our TOP 15 WINNERS will have their pet’s photo (poster size) displayed in our store for one year. At the years end, the poster is the property of the customer.
They will also receive FREE Fromm Family Pet Food products.
Contest Dates: Contest runs from June 15th to August 15th 2009.
The winners will be chosen by our team of “unbiased judges.”
The photo session is FREE with a minimum $50.00 purchase.
Photos must be taken by our photographer. See store for details.
We would like to thank Fromm Family Pet Food for their generous support of this photo contest.
Global Pet Foods,
789 Taunton Road East,
Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7K5
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Comments on the Dog Whisperer from Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, DACVB
Here is a disturbing link featuring a clip from a Cesar Millan show where he semi-hangs/chokes a dog. Here is the link:
dog training gone bad
Many of you may be aware of a National Geographic television show featuring a charismatic individual who helps dog owners. I recently came across this video on the website and I urge you to watch it (preferably without the sound so as not to be distracted by his talking) and keep your eye on the dog. Here is what you will see:
Within the first 5 seconds, the handler kicks the dog in the abdomen. When the dog turns toward him he is jerked off his feet. A struggle ensues where the handler gets bitten several times and the dog is seen to be struggling for air. Finally he gets the dog onto the ground and the dogs tongue is blue and the dog is gasping for breath. When he finally gets the dog up it appears that there might be urine on the ground and that the dog voided his bladder in distress.
What you have witnessed is not dog training but abuse. Not only does the dog suffer, but clients are at risk if they attempt these interventions themselves. These are not appropriate measures and compromise the welfare of the dog and the safety of people. His explanations are false and not based on science as we know it. We as veterinarians must make our voices heard and let National Geographic and most importantly our clients know that these types of interventions are wrong and not in the best interest of dogs or people.
As a veterinary behaviorist I have dealt with behavior problems in companion animals for over 25 years and would never confront a dog this way. Not only would it be dangerous for me and the family, it would be harmful for the dog. My goal is diagnose the problem, and design humane treatment plans that help the family change the behavior of their dog so that they can safely live together. I hope all veterinarians can agree that this is the best approach.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Most importantly, go to the link and scroll down the page to “contact us” and click on that. Let National Geographic know what you think.
Thank you for your time
Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, DACVB
dog training gone bad
Many of you may be aware of a National Geographic television show featuring a charismatic individual who helps dog owners. I recently came across this video on the website and I urge you to watch it (preferably without the sound so as not to be distracted by his talking) and keep your eye on the dog. Here is what you will see:
Within the first 5 seconds, the handler kicks the dog in the abdomen. When the dog turns toward him he is jerked off his feet. A struggle ensues where the handler gets bitten several times and the dog is seen to be struggling for air. Finally he gets the dog onto the ground and the dogs tongue is blue and the dog is gasping for breath. When he finally gets the dog up it appears that there might be urine on the ground and that the dog voided his bladder in distress.
What you have witnessed is not dog training but abuse. Not only does the dog suffer, but clients are at risk if they attempt these interventions themselves. These are not appropriate measures and compromise the welfare of the dog and the safety of people. His explanations are false and not based on science as we know it. We as veterinarians must make our voices heard and let National Geographic and most importantly our clients know that these types of interventions are wrong and not in the best interest of dogs or people.
As a veterinary behaviorist I have dealt with behavior problems in companion animals for over 25 years and would never confront a dog this way. Not only would it be dangerous for me and the family, it would be harmful for the dog. My goal is diagnose the problem, and design humane treatment plans that help the family change the behavior of their dog so that they can safely live together. I hope all veterinarians can agree that this is the best approach.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Most importantly, go to the link and scroll down the page to “contact us” and click on that. Let National Geographic know what you think.
Thank you for your time
Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, DACVB
Exciting News!!!
We are happy to announce that we are finally going to have a Newsletter!!! First issue should be ready by
If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please e-mail us at
Have ideas, topics, pictures to share, let us know!!!
If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please e-mail us at
Have ideas, topics, pictures to share, let us know!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Missing Dog Found 1,800 Miles From Home July 15, 2009 10:04 AM
Brunswick, Ohio (WKYC) -- A dog named Flower, who was reported missing from El Paso, Texas five months ago and was found last week 1,800 miles from home in Brunswick, Ohio, will be going home, thanks to the kindness of strangers.
Brunswick Animal Warden Mike Kellums told WKYC-TV in Ohio that a Brunswick civic organization stepped up and paid for Flower to undergo a complete physical exam.
Flower passed with flying colors, literally--paving the way for her to fly home.
Continental Airlines is scheduled to pay the cost of shipping her and she is being flown to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her owner will take a day off work and make the four-hour drive to pick Flower up.
Flower is expected to leave sometime later this week.
Last week, Kellums got a call for a dog running around a Brunswick neighborhood. Kellums managed to corral the dog and brought it back to the facility.
He then scanned her, looking to see if the dog's owner had a microchip implanted under the dog's skin for identification.
As it turns out, Flower had a microchip, and Kellums called the dog's owner in Texas.
She said it was her dog, Flower, and the dog just "came up missing," one day about four or five months ago.
She said she would love to have Flower back but couldn't afford to fly Flower back home.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Special Home for Miley
Latest Update she has found a new home!!!

Miley is 9 months old, she needs a quiet loving home that can help her to build her
For anyone who has owned dobermans I don't need to tell you how special a breed
they are.
If you can help Miley please contact our program asap at 905 2638247 or at

Miley is 9 months old, she needs a quiet loving home that can help her to build her
For anyone who has owned dobermans I don't need to tell you how special a breed
they are.
If you can help Miley please contact our program asap at 905 2638247 or at
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Lost Dog

Penny: 2 year old 8 lb silky terrier, looks a lot like a yorkie, has a silver and black body a tan/white head with brown snout, ears and paws. Long silky furn. Micro-chipped
Lost July 4, 2009 Markham Ontario in the Fincham/Larkin area
If you have any into please call 905 2638247 or, we will contact
the owners.
There is a reward for her safe return.
Meet our Feature Dog Hannah

Hannah is a very active, outgoing and friendly girl. She gets along well with
all humans and animals.
To meet her is to instantly fall in love. For more information or to arrange
to meet her please contact our program at 905 2638247 or e-mail at
Sunday, July 5, 2009
We have always had Spaniels, usually two at a time. When our last dog passed away we were recommended to TAGS. Don checked them out and liked the fact that they interviewed us to see if we were good for the dog, unlike other organizations which simply take your money and give you the dog.
Daisy, the curly Cocker Spaniel in the picture, came to stay with us last September and became Don’s sidekick. We went to all the lessons provided by the adoption agreement and I had fun watching Don and Daisy playing all the games. By the spring we were ready for a friend for Daisy. Myrtle, the straight-haired Spaniel came to us at the end of April this year and the staff at TAGS once again gave us time to decide if Daisy wanted Myrtle to stay forever. They are both loving and friendly dogs so they do not argue or squabble but share everything, even food. They look out for each other and are like two peas in a pod. Daisy has never liked staying out in the backyard for long because of her experience as a pup but now the two of them sit on the back step watching the birds. We are so pleased that we adopted them thanks to TAGS. Pauline and Don Langridge
Saturday, June 27, 2009
fun in the sun with your dog...
Summer is here and there are all kinds of opportunities to get out with your dog and enjoy your community....festivals, parades, picnics in the park...these are all great chances for your dog to get out an be social. There are a few things to remember, however. Always keep your dog on leash and under control. Be courteous of others - hard to believe, but not everyone will love your dog as much as you do and may not appreciate an overly excited greeting. Be sure to have plenty of water on hand. And, of course, remember your poop bags - no one wants an unpleasant souvenir. See how happy these adopted TAGS dogs are while out on the town with their owners?
Woofstock June 14 in Toronto
Peso (chihuahua in the sombrero) and Robyn (tiny shaved down pomeranian) were just two of the adorable dogs out enjoying this annual event. Worth checking out for all things dog.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Our next generation TAGS Volunteer?
Congratulations to our volunteers Sue and Don and their family on the safe arrival
of their new Grandson!!
Fight to End the Pit Bull Ban
Enough is ENOUGH!
SILENCE IMPLIES ACCEPTENCE ~ Demand our rights are upheld!
Host: Fight to End the "Pit Bull" Ban!
Type: Causes - Protest
Network: Global
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Toronto: Queens Park, Ottawa: The Supreme Court Building
City/Town: Toronto, ON
On Thursday June 11 the Supreme Court of Canada made the decision to deny our appeal of Bill 132 (BSL, "Pit Bull" Ban). This is a democratic country. We have the right to have this appeal heard! The goal of this group is to petition the SCC to hear the case. Too much time, money and effort has gone into this fight to stop now. One way or another we WILL get the ban overturned. Right now the most important thing is that we all stick together and stand up for what is RIGHT! We will petition and protest this decision. This isnâۉ„¢t just about âہ“Pit Bullâ€? owners. This is not just about dog owners. This is about our rights as citizens of this province, as residents of this country. We promote responsible dog ownership, NOT breed bans. Together we CAN change this!
We need to take to the streets in every city and town across this province and stand together to DEMAND change. We have a voice and we WILL use it!
Main locations will be in Toronto and Ottawa.
In Toronto: Queens Park
In Ottawa: The Supreme Court Building
If any of our brothers and sisters in the Ottawa area can assist with coordination of the protest there it would be forever appreciated. Just shoot me an email @
Oppression is all of our CONCERN!!
Think YOUR dog is safe?
Help end BSL and overturn Bill 132
SILENCE IMPLIES ACCEPTENCE ~ Demand our rights are upheld!
Host: Fight to End the "Pit Bull" Ban!
Type: Causes - Protest
Network: Global
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Toronto: Queens Park, Ottawa: The Supreme Court Building
City/Town: Toronto, ON
On Thursday June 11 the Supreme Court of Canada made the decision to deny our appeal of Bill 132 (BSL, "Pit Bull" Ban). This is a democratic country. We have the right to have this appeal heard! The goal of this group is to petition the SCC to hear the case. Too much time, money and effort has gone into this fight to stop now. One way or another we WILL get the ban overturned. Right now the most important thing is that we all stick together and stand up for what is RIGHT! We will petition and protest this decision. This isnâۉ„¢t just about âہ“Pit Bullâ€? owners. This is not just about dog owners. This is about our rights as citizens of this province, as residents of this country. We promote responsible dog ownership, NOT breed bans. Together we CAN change this!
We need to take to the streets in every city and town across this province and stand together to DEMAND change. We have a voice and we WILL use it!
Main locations will be in Toronto and Ottawa.
In Toronto: Queens Park
In Ottawa: The Supreme Court Building
If any of our brothers and sisters in the Ottawa area can assist with coordination of the protest there it would be forever appreciated. Just shoot me an email @
Oppression is all of our CONCERN!!
Think YOUR dog is safe?
Help end BSL and overturn Bill 132
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Please Read
Sent to The Animal Guardian Society today, please read in case you know anyone
using this medication.
----- Original Message -----
I just went to get one of our Epileptic Dogs Phenobarbital medication re-filled (human grade) only to find out that as of LAST NIGHT the 60mg tablets have ALL been recalled due to too much medication in each tablet.
PLEASE if any of you have dogs on pheno, or know of someone with an epi (even people with epilepsy) make them aware, and have them check lot numbers and call the pharmacy right away.
Again, the pharmacies were just made aware by the drug manufacturer via fax last night. (I have called both Jean Coutou and Walmart who confirmed, as well as our Emergency Vet Hospital who only heard about it because another client called)
What we have had to do with one of our larger dogs, is instead of giving 2.5 of the 60mg tablets twice a day, we now have to give 5 of the 30mg tablets twice a day (and to tell you the truth I am even nervous about that right now since there is not very much information on the recall) This is in Canada (that I know of) if anyone is in the US ordering Canadian you may wish to check as well.
Feel free to crosspost please...
using this medication.
----- Original Message -----
I just went to get one of our Epileptic Dogs Phenobarbital medication re-filled (human grade) only to find out that as of LAST NIGHT the 60mg tablets have ALL been recalled due to too much medication in each tablet.
PLEASE if any of you have dogs on pheno, or know of someone with an epi (even people with epilepsy) make them aware, and have them check lot numbers and call the pharmacy right away.
Again, the pharmacies were just made aware by the drug manufacturer via fax last night. (I have called both Jean Coutou and Walmart who confirmed, as well as our Emergency Vet Hospital who only heard about it because another client called)
What we have had to do with one of our larger dogs, is instead of giving 2.5 of the 60mg tablets twice a day, we now have to give 5 of the 30mg tablets twice a day (and to tell you the truth I am even nervous about that right now since there is not very much information on the recall) This is in Canada (that I know of) if anyone is in the US ordering Canadian you may wish to check as well.
Feel free to crosspost please...
Just to Clarify
The post on Micheal Vic is from the ISAR's newsletter, they are
posted here for information only.
The Animal Guardian Society has no connection with this organization, however
we do believe in sharing material that is sent to us that we feel may be of
interest to our Blog readers.
posted here for information only.
The Animal Guardian Society has no connection with this organization, however
we do believe in sharing material that is sent to us that we feel may be of
interest to our Blog readers.
Friday, June 19, 2009
ISAR's Anti-Vick Campaign Is Being Heard
ISAR's Anti-Vick Campaign Is Being Heard
Petition Update 5 (June 19, 2009)
DukeISAR's supporters know that since the announcement of Michael Vick's impending release from federal prison, we've been in the vanguard of attempts to prevent him from cashing in on the celebrity he obtained by participating in the criminal torture and killing of dogs.
Our petition drive becomes more and more successful every week, largely because our supporters are not merely signing themselves but because they're forwarding our appeal to as many others as they can.
ISAR has not only spoken out forcefully on this issue, but we have condemned in no uncertain terms America's largest humane organization, HSUS, because of Wayne Pacelle's bedding down with Michael Vick, allegedly apparently with the intention of using the criminal dog abuser as a spokesman on HSUS's behalf for anti-dog abuse.
Our anti-Vick, and anti-HSUS, message is getting out.
A few days ago, we received the following letter from an ISAR supporter:
It was with disgust that I listened to Wayne Pacelle, president of HSUS, discuss on television that they will support Michael Vick giving Public Service Announcements against dog fighting for HSUS. Pacelle said, maybe he [Vick] has changed.
Anyone who knows anything about human behavior at all knows there is no cure for a broken, half-formed soul. Vick not only participated in dog fighting, he instigated and participated in torture . . . which included, burning, hanging, drowning, electrocuting and stomping to death animals that didn't fight well, and enjoyed watching bait animals (pets) getting killed in the ring. His involvement was long, bloody, and personal.
What Vick wants is to regain is his reputation so he can get his old million dollar job back. HSUS has agreed to help him. Could there be an unspoken quid pro quo here? Vick gets his contract and will make a sizeable donation, which would be tax deductible as well. There is something wrong when a "humane" organization supports public and proven evil.
The end does not justify the means. HSUS is ill advised to support Vick's efforts to regain his career. I, and others who work in the animal field, will not continue to send money for the "good" work of HSUS if that work includes rehabilitating the career of a convicted torturer and thug.
If Pacelle has ever heard the scream of a dog being torn to death, as Vick obviously enjoyed as a past-time, Pacelle ought to remember that sound before he aligns HSUS with Vick and risks losing all credibility in the animal field.
HSUS should stand for something and not wash its hands in the blood of the dogs Vic enjoyed killing.
Although ISAR has been making this same point since our petition campaign began, we couldn't have said it better.
When we asked the letter's author for permission to send it to other ISAR supporters, we received the OK together with the following:
I have included my reply to some of the mail I have already received saying that we ought to give him [Vick] a chance:
In my opinion, you can't excuse actions by saying "society says it's
ok", or saying "it's a cultural thing" or "the devil made me do it"
...that lesson can be learned from the Nazis in Germany.
Vick chose to torture, in addition to dog fighting. If he wins after
this slap on the hand, people who engage is this behavior will learn
again there are no consequences to actions . . . just excuses and pay-offs to get by with it.
He is in the public eye and needs to be treated differently because if
successful, the results of his wrangling to play football again is the
Those rapists and murderers we give second chances to [not Vick], will not work in day care centers or any place they can influence or victimize again. If Vick wins with the help of HSUS or any other humane group, there is no good message, and he will influence behavior because he did, indeed, get by with it.
It is only my opinion, but I feel it is dangerous to align themselves
with someone whose only goal is to get back to what he was doing before.
There is an old saying..."lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas."
If Vick "found Jesus" in jail as I hear most of them do, then it will
be shown by his works . . . not by public grandstanding with a million dollar prize as the goal.
ISAR could not agree more.
Please support our petition drive. All it takes is a simple signature-but that signature sends a powerful message.
Non-profit organizations usually solicit contributions to support their activities through direct mail campaigns.
But that doesn't make sense for ISAR.
For one thing, today's costs of direct mail solicitation by organizations like ISAR which lack multi-million dollar budgets greatly exceed a reasonable return. Frankly, ISAR would rather use the money we have in support of our humane education programs (, rather than spend it on paper suppliers, copy writers, and the United States Post Office.
Second, we believe that what we do-from our published monographs, to our litigation, to our efforts preventing Michael Vick from benefiting by abusing dogs, and much more ( - speaks for itself.
ISAR needs ongoing contributions to continue and broaden its animal rights programs. It's as simple as that.
If you like what we do, PLEASE DONATE!
Among the many blessings of the Internet is the phenomenon called the "Weblog"--- or "Blog" for short.
Originally mostly a vehicle for the expression of the author's personal views on any subject that interested him, Blogs have evolved into a means for organizations such as ISAR to communicate with its supporters and others who may be interested in the Blogger's activities.
Essays include such topics as "ISAR's Amicus Curiae Brief Has Been Filed In The Supreme Court", "ISAR Hits A Nerve", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of June 7, 2009", "ISAR Amicus Curiae Brief in U.S. v. Stevens", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 31, 2009", "ISAR vs. Michael Vick", "Great Success for Animal Legal Defense Fund...and Hundreds of Dogs", "Animals Today Announcement: Program of May 17, 2009", "Another Milestone For Animal Rights Law", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 10,2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 3, 2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 26, 2009", "ISAR In The Supreme Court Of The United States", "Another ISAR Legislative Idea is Copied", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 12, 2009", "ISAR and 'Animals Today' Radio Show", "Only ISAR 'Gets It' About Mandatory Spay/Neuter", "Free Speech and Cruelty to Animals", "Half a Loaf", "ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day™ 2008", "ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute Garnering Attention", "UBS and Other Generous Matching Donations", "Important New Publication: Stanford Journal of Animal Law and Policy", "Annotated Text of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Websites Providing Information About Animal Law", "Overview of ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "The Case Against Zoos", "ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Vive Brigitte Bardot", "ISAR's 'Harming Companion Animals' Monograph To Be Used In Law School 'Animal Law And Rights Course'", "ISAR and Animal Rights in Europe", "Harming Companion Animals: Liability and Damages", "Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation in America by Nathan J. Winograd", "Get Political for Animals and Win the Laws They Need by Julie E. Lewin", "Suing on Behalf of Animals: New Case", "Capitol Hill's Animal Friends", "ISAR as Friend-of-the-Court", "Harming Companion Animals", "Celebrities and Animal Abuse", "ISAR's Brand New Website", "Animal Rights Books for Sale", "Decartes is Dead", "ISAR in Action", "Mother Jones Meets an ISAR Billboard", "Token Mandatory Spay/Neuter in Palm Beach, Florida", "Another Municipal Adoption of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Heart Bleeding for Vick, But Not His Victims", "What made Michael Vick?"
Individuals and organizations who want to receive our complimentary Blog need only request to be placed on ISAR's mailing list at
Contributions to ISAR make possible the Society's work for Animal Rights. ISAR is a non-profit organization and is tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. We depend solely on our dedicated supporters to enable us to continue and expand our work on behalf of animals. For more information about our work, please visit
To support ISAR by making a tax-deductible donation please Click Here.
Please feel free to pass ISAR's Newsletter Bulletin along to family and friends.
Law and Education Serving Animals
Phone: 570-586-2200
Fax: 570-586-9580
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Petition Update 5 (June 19, 2009)
DukeISAR's supporters know that since the announcement of Michael Vick's impending release from federal prison, we've been in the vanguard of attempts to prevent him from cashing in on the celebrity he obtained by participating in the criminal torture and killing of dogs.
Our petition drive becomes more and more successful every week, largely because our supporters are not merely signing themselves but because they're forwarding our appeal to as many others as they can.
ISAR has not only spoken out forcefully on this issue, but we have condemned in no uncertain terms America's largest humane organization, HSUS, because of Wayne Pacelle's bedding down with Michael Vick, allegedly apparently with the intention of using the criminal dog abuser as a spokesman on HSUS's behalf for anti-dog abuse.
Our anti-Vick, and anti-HSUS, message is getting out.
A few days ago, we received the following letter from an ISAR supporter:
It was with disgust that I listened to Wayne Pacelle, president of HSUS, discuss on television that they will support Michael Vick giving Public Service Announcements against dog fighting for HSUS. Pacelle said, maybe he [Vick] has changed.
Anyone who knows anything about human behavior at all knows there is no cure for a broken, half-formed soul. Vick not only participated in dog fighting, he instigated and participated in torture . . . which included, burning, hanging, drowning, electrocuting and stomping to death animals that didn't fight well, and enjoyed watching bait animals (pets) getting killed in the ring. His involvement was long, bloody, and personal.
What Vick wants is to regain is his reputation so he can get his old million dollar job back. HSUS has agreed to help him. Could there be an unspoken quid pro quo here? Vick gets his contract and will make a sizeable donation, which would be tax deductible as well. There is something wrong when a "humane" organization supports public and proven evil.
The end does not justify the means. HSUS is ill advised to support Vick's efforts to regain his career. I, and others who work in the animal field, will not continue to send money for the "good" work of HSUS if that work includes rehabilitating the career of a convicted torturer and thug.
If Pacelle has ever heard the scream of a dog being torn to death, as Vick obviously enjoyed as a past-time, Pacelle ought to remember that sound before he aligns HSUS with Vick and risks losing all credibility in the animal field.
HSUS should stand for something and not wash its hands in the blood of the dogs Vic enjoyed killing.
Although ISAR has been making this same point since our petition campaign began, we couldn't have said it better.
When we asked the letter's author for permission to send it to other ISAR supporters, we received the OK together with the following:
I have included my reply to some of the mail I have already received saying that we ought to give him [Vick] a chance:
In my opinion, you can't excuse actions by saying "society says it's
ok", or saying "it's a cultural thing" or "the devil made me do it"
...that lesson can be learned from the Nazis in Germany.
Vick chose to torture, in addition to dog fighting. If he wins after
this slap on the hand, people who engage is this behavior will learn
again there are no consequences to actions . . . just excuses and pay-offs to get by with it.
He is in the public eye and needs to be treated differently because if
successful, the results of his wrangling to play football again is the
Those rapists and murderers we give second chances to [not Vick], will not work in day care centers or any place they can influence or victimize again. If Vick wins with the help of HSUS or any other humane group, there is no good message, and he will influence behavior because he did, indeed, get by with it.
It is only my opinion, but I feel it is dangerous to align themselves
with someone whose only goal is to get back to what he was doing before.
There is an old saying..."lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas."
If Vick "found Jesus" in jail as I hear most of them do, then it will
be shown by his works . . . not by public grandstanding with a million dollar prize as the goal.
ISAR could not agree more.
Please support our petition drive. All it takes is a simple signature-but that signature sends a powerful message.
Non-profit organizations usually solicit contributions to support their activities through direct mail campaigns.
But that doesn't make sense for ISAR.
For one thing, today's costs of direct mail solicitation by organizations like ISAR which lack multi-million dollar budgets greatly exceed a reasonable return. Frankly, ISAR would rather use the money we have in support of our humane education programs (, rather than spend it on paper suppliers, copy writers, and the United States Post Office.
Second, we believe that what we do-from our published monographs, to our litigation, to our efforts preventing Michael Vick from benefiting by abusing dogs, and much more ( - speaks for itself.
ISAR needs ongoing contributions to continue and broaden its animal rights programs. It's as simple as that.
If you like what we do, PLEASE DONATE!
Among the many blessings of the Internet is the phenomenon called the "Weblog"--- or "Blog" for short.
Originally mostly a vehicle for the expression of the author's personal views on any subject that interested him, Blogs have evolved into a means for organizations such as ISAR to communicate with its supporters and others who may be interested in the Blogger's activities.
Essays include such topics as "ISAR's Amicus Curiae Brief Has Been Filed In The Supreme Court", "ISAR Hits A Nerve", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of June 7, 2009", "ISAR Amicus Curiae Brief in U.S. v. Stevens", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 31, 2009", "ISAR vs. Michael Vick", "Great Success for Animal Legal Defense Fund...and Hundreds of Dogs", "Animals Today Announcement: Program of May 17, 2009", "Another Milestone For Animal Rights Law", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 10,2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 3, 2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 26, 2009", "ISAR In The Supreme Court Of The United States", "Another ISAR Legislative Idea is Copied", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 12, 2009", "ISAR and 'Animals Today' Radio Show", "Only ISAR 'Gets It' About Mandatory Spay/Neuter", "Free Speech and Cruelty to Animals", "Half a Loaf", "ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day™ 2008", "ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute Garnering Attention", "UBS and Other Generous Matching Donations", "Important New Publication: Stanford Journal of Animal Law and Policy", "Annotated Text of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Websites Providing Information About Animal Law", "Overview of ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "The Case Against Zoos", "ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Vive Brigitte Bardot", "ISAR's 'Harming Companion Animals' Monograph To Be Used In Law School 'Animal Law And Rights Course'", "ISAR and Animal Rights in Europe", "Harming Companion Animals: Liability and Damages", "Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation in America by Nathan J. Winograd", "Get Political for Animals and Win the Laws They Need by Julie E. Lewin", "Suing on Behalf of Animals: New Case", "Capitol Hill's Animal Friends", "ISAR as Friend-of-the-Court", "Harming Companion Animals", "Celebrities and Animal Abuse", "ISAR's Brand New Website", "Animal Rights Books for Sale", "Decartes is Dead", "ISAR in Action", "Mother Jones Meets an ISAR Billboard", "Token Mandatory Spay/Neuter in Palm Beach, Florida", "Another Municipal Adoption of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Heart Bleeding for Vick, But Not His Victims", "What made Michael Vick?"
Individuals and organizations who want to receive our complimentary Blog need only request to be placed on ISAR's mailing list at
Contributions to ISAR make possible the Society's work for Animal Rights. ISAR is a non-profit organization and is tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. We depend solely on our dedicated supporters to enable us to continue and expand our work on behalf of animals. For more information about our work, please visit
To support ISAR by making a tax-deductible donation please Click Here.
Please feel free to pass ISAR's Newsletter Bulletin along to family and friends.
Law and Education Serving Animals
Phone: 570-586-2200
Fax: 570-586-9580
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Storm was rescued from a local shelter and gave birth to 3 beautiful female pups.
They are all going to be big. The girls are 5 weeks of age.
Yard Sale Fundraiser June 13th
Come out for a cup of coffee and a muffin and enjoy our Yard and Bake Sale.
We promise lots of great items, and the best part is all money raised will go
to help the animals.
We have NO PAID STAFF, WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEER, so when you donate to our program you
donate directly to the animals care.
For further info please call us at 905-263-TAGS(8247) or e-mail at
We promise lots of great items, and the best part is all money raised will go
to help the animals.
We have NO PAID STAFF, WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEER, so when you donate to our program you
donate directly to the animals care.
For further info please call us at 905-263-TAGS(8247) or e-mail at
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Guelph Doberman Heart Study

This was a first trip for Brando and Luca to Guelph, here we are just arriving at
the clinic to start the day.
Heart Study at Guelph

Brando and Luca now heading home, all went well, both hearts are good!!
A couple of very tired doggies!!
Spring Microchip Clinic

Pictured is Foxy getting her microchip done.
Thanks to all who came out to support our clinic and show a concern for the safety
of their dogs and cats. A microchip will help your pet to be returned safely back home.
TAGS at the Oshawa Centre

It was a fun weekend and always great speaking with our community about our program and
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dog Left to die...
HAMILTON–Donna Davison could not believe what she saw in the rear-view mirror. It made her sick.
Standing behind her car on Brant County Rd. 22 southwest of Hamilton just after 7 a.m. was a wet, sand-covered dog – its neck dragged down by a brick tied to its collar with a bolt.
It seems, she said, someone threw the dog in the Grand River to dispose of it but the dog had managed to get out of the water.
It also appears the dog may have had a recent litter of puppies and Davison and the staff at the Chedoke Animal Hospital in Ancaster wonder what may have happened to them.
After working a night-shift as a nurse, Davison was taking the back roads home to Hamilton when she spotted the dog near the river. "I had driven by and noticed the dog along the road was kind of leaning," she said yesterday. "I looked in the mirror and, my God, I saw the brick."
Fighting back the urge to vomit, Davison took the brick off and bundled the frightened animal into the back of her vehicle and headed for the Chedoke Animal Hospital, where she takes her own dog.
Anita Saczyk at the Chedoke clinic says the medium-sized, 5-year-old terrier mix dog they've dubbed "River" after her rescue, is doing well. River's on her way to a new home via the Society For Animal Adoptions of Flamborough.
Saczyk, who volunteers with the society, could not say whether the dog had had a litter of puppies recently, as Davison feared.
The Burlington-Hamilton SPCA is investigating.
Standing behind her car on Brant County Rd. 22 southwest of Hamilton just after 7 a.m. was a wet, sand-covered dog – its neck dragged down by a brick tied to its collar with a bolt.
It seems, she said, someone threw the dog in the Grand River to dispose of it but the dog had managed to get out of the water.
It also appears the dog may have had a recent litter of puppies and Davison and the staff at the Chedoke Animal Hospital in Ancaster wonder what may have happened to them.
After working a night-shift as a nurse, Davison was taking the back roads home to Hamilton when she spotted the dog near the river. "I had driven by and noticed the dog along the road was kind of leaning," she said yesterday. "I looked in the mirror and, my God, I saw the brick."
Fighting back the urge to vomit, Davison took the brick off and bundled the frightened animal into the back of her vehicle and headed for the Chedoke Animal Hospital, where she takes her own dog.
Anita Saczyk at the Chedoke clinic says the medium-sized, 5-year-old terrier mix dog they've dubbed "River" after her rescue, is doing well. River's on her way to a new home via the Society For Animal Adoptions of Flamborough.
Saczyk, who volunteers with the society, could not say whether the dog had had a litter of puppies recently, as Davison feared.
The Burlington-Hamilton SPCA is investigating.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Toronto Humane Society
There is an interesting article in the Globe and Mail today talking
about the Toronto Humane Society and Toronto Animal Services.
http://www.theglobe news/national/ toronto/killing- them-with- kindness/ article1160810/
about the Toronto Humane Society and Toronto Animal Services.
http://www.theglobe news/national/ toronto/killing- them-with- kindness/ article1160810/
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dying Bulldog Saves Owner

Dying bulldog saves her owner
Provided by: The Canadian Press, Pets Editorial Team
By The Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - A Michigan man's decision not to end his terminally ill bulldog's life has ended up saving his own.
Scott Seymour said his dog, Brittney, awakened him with her barking early Saturday in time for both of them to escape from his burning house in Grand Rapids.
The fire came two weeks after a veterinarian discovered the nine-year-old American bulldog had several cancerous tumours.
The vet said the dog might not survive surgery, and Seymour ruled out chemotherapy, believing it would be too hard on Brittney.
Seymour said he could have had Brittney put down, but instead decided to give her medication to blunt her pain until death comes naturally, probably within a few weeks.
Firefighters said the house may be a total loss.
Friday, May 22, 2009
ISAR vs. Michael Vick
Upon dog fighting ring leader Michael Vick's recent release from prison, ISAR received an e-bulletin from The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) stating that HSUS is going to "provide an opportunity for Michael Vick to get involved in some of their anti-dog fighting outreach programs."
Lest anyone forget some of the details about dog-abuser Michael Vick's brutal conduct, we all must remember that according to a United States government report Vick found dog fighting "funny to watch" and, proving that he is no better than a savage, actually threw family pets in the ring with pit bulls and watched the trained killers injure or kill the helpless dogs-so a witness told federal investigators during the dog fighting investigation that brought Vick down and deservedly sent him to prison. That's the kind of reason ISAR has taken it upon ourselves to lead the fight against Vick profiting from the celebrity he acquired by being a savage abuser of dogs.
ISAR has since been circulating our petition "Don't Let Michael Vick Benefit By Abusing Dogs". Each time ISAR learns that Vick has, or is about to, benefit from his criminal "celebrity," we'll send our "Don't Let Michael Vick Benefit By Abusing Dogs" Petition to everyone who's trying to help him. We'll also send an email to all Petition signers informing them that we've done it.
Vick's sentence, a mere two years in prison, was insufficient punishment for his savage acts. ISAR's Petition is a grass roots effort to further punish Vick for his abominable conduct, and we vow to keep after him even after he has faded from public view (and the sooner the better).
We ask only two simple things from caring individuals and humane organizations around the world.
If you haven't already, please sign our Petition.
Please forward this e-newsletter containing ISAR's Petition to everyone on your mailing list, and ask all recipients to do the same.
To deal with HSUS and their newfound relationship with notorious dog abuser Michael Vick, ISAR has first decided to contact HSUS President Wayne Pacelle with a letter questioning their latest move. You can read ISAR's letter to Mr. Pacelle below:
Dear Wayne:
ISAR, along with many others in our movement, has received your "What's next for Michael Vick" essay. You make a persuasive argument that Vick could, and I repeat could, be a force for good regarding the obscene practice of dog fighting. ISAR's fear, however, and that of many of our colleagues in the animal protection movement, is that the allegedly repentant Michael Vick is actually the sociopath Michael Vick who is using HSUS to further his own professional and financial goals. Is Mr. Hyde still there, behind the façade of Dr. Jekyll?
You rightly raise the question of whether Vick is "serious," and assure the animal protection movement that HSUS will "soon find out," but you do not explain how.
Frankly, ISAR is dubious. We don't believe that given Vick's criminal conduct, and the lack of information (let alone evidence) to explain his apparently Leavenworth-induced epiphany, the dog abuser has suddenly become the dog lover.
Accordingly, ISAR will watch HSUS while you watch Vick.
While we hope you're correct, ISAR will continue our petition drive seeking to prevent Vick from benefiting from the celebrity he acquired through abusing and killing animals. Just in case, and until Vick conclusively, through obvious and meaningful conduct over the long term, earns his way back from the sewer which he inhabited before his incarceration.
Susan Dapsis
Non-profit organizations usually solicit contributions to support their activities through direct mail campaigns.
But that doesn't make sense for ISAR.
For one thing, today's costs of direct mail solicitation by organizations like ISAR which lack multi-million dollar budgets greatly exceed a reasonable return. Frankly, ISAR would rather use the money we have in support of our humane education programs ( , rather than spend it on paper suppliers, copy writers, and the United States Post Office.
Second, we believe that what we do-from our published monographs, to our litigation, to our efforts preventing Michael Vick from benefiting by abusing dogs, and much more ( - speaks for itself.
ISAR needs ongoing contributions to continue and broaden its animal rights programs. It's as simple as that.
If you like what we do, PLEASE DONATE!
Among the many blessings of the Internet is the phenomenon called the "Weblog"--- or "Blog" for short.
Originally mostly a vehicle for the expression of the author's personal views on any subject that interested him, Blogs have evolved into a means for organizations such as ISAR to communicate with its supporters and others who may be interested in the Blogger's activities.
Essays include such topics as "Great Success for Animal Legal Defense Fund...and Hundreds of Dogs", "Animals Today Announcement: Program of May 17, 2009", "Another Milestone For Animal Rights Law", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 10,2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 3, 2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 26, 2009", "ISAR In The Supreme Court Of The United States", "Another ISAR Legislative Idea is Copied", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 12, 2009", "ISAR and 'Animals Today' Radio Show", "Only ISAR 'Gets It' About Mandatory Spay/Neuter", "Free Speech and Cruelty to Animals", "Half a Loaf", "ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day™ 2008", "ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute Garnering Attention", "UBS and Other Generous Matching Donations", "Important New Publication: Stanford Journal of Animal Law and Policy", "Annotated Text of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Websites Providing Information About Animal Law", "Overview of ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "The Case Against Zoos", "ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Vive Brigitte Bardot", "ISAR's 'Harming Companion Animals' Monograph To Be Used In Law School 'Animal Law And Rights Course'", "ISAR and Animal Rights in Europe", "Harming Companion Animals: Liability and Damages", "Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation in America by Nathan J. Winograd", "Get Political for Animals and Win the Laws They Need by Julie E. Lewin", "Suing on Behalf of Animals: New Case", "Capitol Hill's Animal Friends", "ISAR as Friend-of-the-Court", "Harming Companion Animals", "Celebrities and Animal Abuse", "ISAR's Brand New Website", "Animal Rights Books for Sale", "Decartes is Dead", "ISAR in Action", "Mother Jones Meets an ISAR Billboard", "Token Mandatory Spay/Neuter in Palm Beach, Florida", "Another Municipal Adoption of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Heart Bleeding for Vick, But Not His Victims", "What made Michael Vick?"
Individuals and organizations who want to receive our complimentary Blog need only request to be placed on ISAR's mailing list at
Contributions to ISAR make possible the Society's work for Animal Rights. ISAR is a non-profit organization and is tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. We depend solely on our dedicated supporters to enable us to continue and expand our work on behalf of animals. For more information about our work, please visit
Lest anyone forget some of the details about dog-abuser Michael Vick's brutal conduct, we all must remember that according to a United States government report Vick found dog fighting "funny to watch" and, proving that he is no better than a savage, actually threw family pets in the ring with pit bulls and watched the trained killers injure or kill the helpless dogs-so a witness told federal investigators during the dog fighting investigation that brought Vick down and deservedly sent him to prison. That's the kind of reason ISAR has taken it upon ourselves to lead the fight against Vick profiting from the celebrity he acquired by being a savage abuser of dogs.
ISAR has since been circulating our petition "Don't Let Michael Vick Benefit By Abusing Dogs". Each time ISAR learns that Vick has, or is about to, benefit from his criminal "celebrity," we'll send our "Don't Let Michael Vick Benefit By Abusing Dogs" Petition to everyone who's trying to help him. We'll also send an email to all Petition signers informing them that we've done it.
Vick's sentence, a mere two years in prison, was insufficient punishment for his savage acts. ISAR's Petition is a grass roots effort to further punish Vick for his abominable conduct, and we vow to keep after him even after he has faded from public view (and the sooner the better).
We ask only two simple things from caring individuals and humane organizations around the world.
If you haven't already, please sign our Petition.
Please forward this e-newsletter containing ISAR's Petition to everyone on your mailing list, and ask all recipients to do the same.
To deal with HSUS and their newfound relationship with notorious dog abuser Michael Vick, ISAR has first decided to contact HSUS President Wayne Pacelle with a letter questioning their latest move. You can read ISAR's letter to Mr. Pacelle below:
Dear Wayne:
ISAR, along with many others in our movement, has received your "What's next for Michael Vick" essay. You make a persuasive argument that Vick could, and I repeat could, be a force for good regarding the obscene practice of dog fighting. ISAR's fear, however, and that of many of our colleagues in the animal protection movement, is that the allegedly repentant Michael Vick is actually the sociopath Michael Vick who is using HSUS to further his own professional and financial goals. Is Mr. Hyde still there, behind the façade of Dr. Jekyll?
You rightly raise the question of whether Vick is "serious," and assure the animal protection movement that HSUS will "soon find out," but you do not explain how.
Frankly, ISAR is dubious. We don't believe that given Vick's criminal conduct, and the lack of information (let alone evidence) to explain his apparently Leavenworth-induced epiphany, the dog abuser has suddenly become the dog lover.
Accordingly, ISAR will watch HSUS while you watch Vick.
While we hope you're correct, ISAR will continue our petition drive seeking to prevent Vick from benefiting from the celebrity he acquired through abusing and killing animals. Just in case, and until Vick conclusively, through obvious and meaningful conduct over the long term, earns his way back from the sewer which he inhabited before his incarceration.
Susan Dapsis
Non-profit organizations usually solicit contributions to support their activities through direct mail campaigns.
But that doesn't make sense for ISAR.
For one thing, today's costs of direct mail solicitation by organizations like ISAR which lack multi-million dollar budgets greatly exceed a reasonable return. Frankly, ISAR would rather use the money we have in support of our humane education programs ( , rather than spend it on paper suppliers, copy writers, and the United States Post Office.
Second, we believe that what we do-from our published monographs, to our litigation, to our efforts preventing Michael Vick from benefiting by abusing dogs, and much more ( - speaks for itself.
ISAR needs ongoing contributions to continue and broaden its animal rights programs. It's as simple as that.
If you like what we do, PLEASE DONATE!
Among the many blessings of the Internet is the phenomenon called the "Weblog"--- or "Blog" for short.
Originally mostly a vehicle for the expression of the author's personal views on any subject that interested him, Blogs have evolved into a means for organizations such as ISAR to communicate with its supporters and others who may be interested in the Blogger's activities.
Essays include such topics as "Great Success for Animal Legal Defense Fund...and Hundreds of Dogs", "Animals Today Announcement: Program of May 17, 2009", "Another Milestone For Animal Rights Law", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 10,2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of May 3, 2009", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 26, 2009", "ISAR In The Supreme Court Of The United States", "Another ISAR Legislative Idea is Copied", "'Animals Today' Announcement: Program of April 12, 2009", "ISAR and 'Animals Today' Radio Show", "Only ISAR 'Gets It' About Mandatory Spay/Neuter", "Free Speech and Cruelty to Animals", "Half a Loaf", "ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day™ 2008", "ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute Garnering Attention", "UBS and Other Generous Matching Donations", "Important New Publication: Stanford Journal of Animal Law and Policy", "Annotated Text of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Websites Providing Information About Animal Law", "Overview of ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "The Case Against Zoos", "ISAR's Revolutionary Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Vive Brigitte Bardot", "ISAR's 'Harming Companion Animals' Monograph To Be Used In Law School 'Animal Law And Rights Course'", "ISAR and Animal Rights in Europe", "Harming Companion Animals: Liability and Damages", "Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation in America by Nathan J. Winograd", "Get Political for Animals and Win the Laws They Need by Julie E. Lewin", "Suing on Behalf of Animals: New Case", "Capitol Hill's Animal Friends", "ISAR as Friend-of-the-Court", "Harming Companion Animals", "Celebrities and Animal Abuse", "ISAR's Brand New Website", "Animal Rights Books for Sale", "Decartes is Dead", "ISAR in Action", "Mother Jones Meets an ISAR Billboard", "Token Mandatory Spay/Neuter in Palm Beach, Florida", "Another Municipal Adoption of ISAR's Model Mandatory Spay/Neuter Statute", "Heart Bleeding for Vick, But Not His Victims", "What made Michael Vick?"
Individuals and organizations who want to receive our complimentary Blog need only request to be placed on ISAR's mailing list at
Contributions to ISAR make possible the Society's work for Animal Rights. ISAR is a non-profit organization and is tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. We depend solely on our dedicated supporters to enable us to continue and expand our work on behalf of animals. For more information about our work, please visit
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Light at the End of the Tunnel
No matter what situations life throws at matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem... Remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Shirlock's Adopted
Shirlock (AKA Mustang) was adopted this weekend. Lucky dog and lucky family. Congratulations Shirlock!!!
Quincy's Adopted!
Quincy was adopted this weekend. Here he is with some of his new family members. congratulations Quincy!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Catherine O'Driscoll Holistic Canine Healthcare series
Catherine O'Driscoll
Holistic Canine Healthcare series
Online Canine Healthcare Lecture Series
In your own home, at your own convenience
Three content-rich lectures for only £29 (less than £10/$15 each lecture).
* With an affiliate program – help share the good news for dogs whilst raising funds for yourself
or your canine cause.
These lectures could seriously change your life, and the lives of your dogs.
* When you buy a dog, you think you’re hugging your dreams – but that dream can soon turn into a nightmare. Good health can change in the blink of an eye.
* Why are so many dogs allergic to natural foods, to the air they breathe, to life? Why are our dogs suffering from an allergy epidemic?
* Why do so many dogs have arthritis, digestive upsets, skin problems, epilepsy, behavioural problems, cancer and leukaemia? What is happening to our dogs?
* Should we expect young dogs to cost us a fortune at the vets? Is it natural for dogs to need steroids, NSAIDs and antibiotics just to keep them going?
* How much of your dog’s health is about his genes, and how much is about the way you care for him?
* If dogs in the past needed to see the vet as often as our modern dogs do, would our farming ancestors have kept dogs?
* How can we breed healthy dogs?
* How can you keep your dogs healthy and away from the vets? How can you share your life, for many years, with a healthy, happy dog? How can you avoid the misery of illness and early death for your dogs?
Online Lectures Register Now Lecture Dates Affiliate Program
When registering/booking please always quote your reference, which is: CO/AFF/00
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Catherine O’Driscoll is a highly respected pioneer of natural canine health. She is the author of two seminal best-selling books, What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines, and Shock to the System – as well as In Search of the Truth About Dogs, voted best DVD of 2008 by the Dog Writers’ Association of America.
Catherine is the founder of Canine Health Concern, which spearheads research and education by and for dog lovers to promote positive canine health. She has played an instrumental role in promoting health-enhancing food for dogs worldwide, and is a world expert in canine vaccination issues. She is a certified EFT practitioner and teacher, a healer, an animal communicator, and a regular contributor to the dog press.
In this lecture series, Catherine shares vital information about what we are doing to make our dogs ill, and how we can raise healthy dogs. If you love your dog and want the best for him or her, you may not want to miss this opportunity. It’s a chance to hear Catherine without even leaving home.
The next lecture series broadcast begins on 20th May 2009: for further details click here: Online Lectures
To register (with no obligation) and/or book your place, click here: Register Now
For details of the lecture dates for this series' next broadcast, click here: Lecture Dates
When registering/booking please always quote your reference, which is: CO/AFF/00
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